
This section shows the employee's current leave balances, and is used to enter any leave being taken in this pay period.

Viewing or Amending Leave Details:

  1. Select the Leave node for the employee.
    The Pay Items Leave screen will open showing details about the employee's leave.
  2. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation
Pay Period This shows the standard frequency of pay for this employee.
Pay Period Qty This field is also available on the master tab, and shows the number of pay periods which are covered by this payrun. If you override this value, payroll will automatically adjust tax and standard deductions as required, but does not adjust banking splits.
Loading If this employee does not get leave loading, this will display as 0.000, otherwise the applicable percentage is shown. This value is taken from the annual leave section of this employee's employment condition. If applicable, when you pay annual leave, the system will automatically insert leave loading as a second line item. Depending on the loading paid in the year to date so far, all or some of the loading may be tax free - see thresholds and rounding rules for more information.
Leave Balances This section shows this employee's leave balances including this pay's accrual. Figures are not adjusted downwards for leave taken in this payrun. Click Other Leave to see any other leave balances.
Pay Items This section is used to process any leave being taken. The system automatically manages leave loading and RDO
Leave Select the Leave Type from the drop-down list.
HRs/Unit Enter the number of hours or units to be paid.
Uom Unit of measurement for this item.
Rate The dollar rate to be paid for each unit.
Factor The factor is a multiplication which is applied to the pay item to calculate any weighting, for example in the case of double time. It is not entered here.
Amount This will be calculated automatically.
Departments This field is only available for Level 1 costing employees. It shows the department to which this cost will be allocated.
Reason Select a reason for the leave from the drop-down list.
Start The start date for the leave. These dates are recorded on leave reports and are used to filter the employee out of the payrun for the duration of their leave.
Finish The finish date for the leave. These dates are recorded on leave reports and are used to filter the employee out of the payrun for the duration of their leave.
Memo To record any notes relating to this leave, double click in the memo field. Enter the required memo and then select Print on Payslip if you want the memo to print on a payslip, otherwise it will show only on reports. 


Reduce Ordinary Hours: If the total Ordinary Hours needs to be reduced by the number of leave hours, you will need to go to the Details tab in (P)ay Items, right click anywhere in the blank space and select the Reduction of Ordinary Time option. Note that this first needs to be set up in Payroll Framework: select the leave pay item that you want to deduct from ordinary hours and tick Reduce Ordinary Time.
See also Automating 'Reduce Ordinary Time'.


Leave loading: If this employee's employment condition attracts leave loading and they take annual leave, the system will automatically insert the leave loading pay items LAL Leave Loading non taxed and/or LAM Leave Loading taxed. The system also calculates the taxable and non-taxable portion according to the current leave loading tax free threshold.


RDO: If this employee's employment condition accrues RDO, and the employee has been paid hours which accrue RDO, the accrual will be automatically shown here as a negative figure using the pay item RDA RDO accrual. If the employee is taking an RDO in this payrun, enter it as a positive figure using the pay item RDP RDO Paid.


Flextime: To accrue Flextime, pay the total number of hours worked, then enter negative flextime hours using the pay item LFL Flextime. When the employee takes flextime, again use LFL Flextime but pay it as a positive figure. The employee's flextime balance will be adjusted accordingly when the payrun is updated.